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This is a pretty popular topic in the world. Do you prefer boobs or butt? They are both so amazing in so many ways, and we argue about it in our office on a day to day basis. Let us know what you think. These photos don’t make it an easy decision, but definitely keep your attention while deciding…

CJ Miles could quite possibly have the best curves of any model in the business. Actually, when you see her pictures, you’ll notice that she undoubtedly does — there’s really no question about it.
Her booty would make any Kardashian envious and, well, pretty much everyone else on the planet.

Students at a top California university can now take a course devoted to selfies.

Officially, the first-year class is called Writing and Critical Reasoning: Identity and Diversity, although on the University of Southern California campus it is better known as #SelfieClass

The course explores how people construct "an image of their identity - their gender, their ethnicity, their sexuality, their socioeconomic status" in selfies, says associate professor Mark Marino. It also examines the audience response to each image, a process he describes as "the co-creation of identity".

For every student the hardest thing is to study during mathematic classes everyone finds difficulties in this subject. It’s hard because the chapters are related with one-another. If you don’t understand a specific thing in one of the chapters it will be very difficult for you to understand the following ones.

There are advantages and disadvantages being a secretary of someone including a lawyer secretary. You should  make the same things almost every day. Wake up early in the morning because you should be at the office  before the lawyer, makes his or her coffee prepare the papers, then you can have a five to ten minutes break for a coffee.

Tattoos on women are sexy. We have to admit that tattooed girls are the sexiest out there!
It’s a trend nowadays having a tattoo, mostly having a tattoo with a meaning.  But  every woman should know that they never look good exaggerating with tattoos. Our body it’s not a notebook in which we can draw and write whatever we want.

According to new research, the average American male would describe their 'perfect woman' as having blonde hair, blue eyes and - perhaps surprisingly - a graduate degree in American Universities.
The majority of men prefer non-smokers, and, in an ideal world, would rather that their date was more of a social drinker, rather than someone who indulged in alcohol on a regular basis.  'The perfect woman must possess both style and substance,'